Captura de Tela (184).jpg

663 WEST 34th StREET


The aim of this design is to provide different chances for individuality and community across all rooms, units and floors for the residents. A sequence of gathering spaces, visual connections between public areas and exterior views. The seven floors (housing and parking) are unified by a rigid concrete moment frame that allows for external MEP systems as well as shear resistance. The regular pattern of the openings reflects the existing column-beam structure and create a neutral, impartial and democratic opportunity for each resident to differentiate themselves.

All public gathering areas in every floor are connected by a cross-sectional cut that is covered with glass and allows for a visual connection between the different levels. The exposed structure creates interesting moments for a reflection on the existing parking that was transformed. Glass extruded windows also create a body and visual experience across the large corridors. The transparency allows for students on the outside to peek through and see the residents modifying their spaces as well as residents to get natural sunlight in important gathering spaces.

The apparent anti-individualistic approach of the entire structure may seem oppressive. However, the structure gives the chance for each resident to change their own space. They can express their character, their individuality and, if necessary, unite and protest. The rigidity and regimentation of the parking structure was kept throughout the entire design and order was a key element when developing the concept. As an extension of the parking structure, the housing portion reflects the idea that every student has their own spot (window). However, what differentiates students from cars is their capacity of making their own decisions and changing their surroundings.